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5 Best ideas for small business

When, someone start a business anyone cannot start with a big scale. If, you have little money you can start with these 5 small business ideas. Let's hear:-

5 Small business ideas:-


 Fitness and yoga are a good business is to start there is no investment and require less money. Today health is important because there is so much stress it's harm us mentally, physically and emotionally, etc. In this situation everyone is focused on health. If you have little knowledge about fitness and yoga you can start your fitness program and can earn from this.


Catering is the business of providing food service in hotels, wedding, birthday party and sometimes in the hospital and much more. This is a good idea for those who known cooking and makes tasty food.  Whenever you start this business, you focused on a specific point, for example: you can only serve to wedding not focusing on multiple things.  You can start with investment of ₹20000 only.


A consultant is a professional who provide you the best advice.  In a particular expertise. Example: if some is good relationship  advice than he/she can give relationship advice to anyone who are suffering sustained relationship.
If you good at anything you can start your consulting service. In this service you will require little money and you can earn a good amount.


App development is the process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile device.  You know some skills for app development like HTML, Java, C, C++ etc.  If you have known these skills you can start your app development business and you earn huge money.


One - product restaurant is the restaurant who sells only one product. Example: McDonald. McDonald sells burger.
If you good at one line product then you should start this kind of business.

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To da!

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